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Institute for Biblical

& Scientific Studies

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Coins of the Bible Replicas
Coins of the Bible Replicas
Bronze Age Oil Lamp
Oil Lamp Replicas
Aaron's Brestplate Replica
Aaron's Breastplate Stones and Replicas
Urim and Thummim Replica
Urim and Thummim Replicas


The Bible History Exhibits is now closed!

Explore the great archaeological discoveries that illuminate the Bible on YouTube.


Dead Sea Scrolls

Explore the great archaeological discoveries that illuminate the Bible on YouTube.

Pergamos, Turkey

Explore the great archaeological discoveries that illuminate the Bible.

Fermi Lab
Fermi Lab, outside Chicago

Is the Bible a science book? Does the Bible and Science conflict? Come & find out!

Blue Mosque
Blue Mosque, Istanbul

Get an overview of the different world religions and cults!

Masada, Israel

No time to go away to BIble College or can't afford the costs. These courses are for you!

Online Learning Courses: Two Year Bible Program

Free Online Learning Courses: Old Testament Survey, New Testament survey, Church History and other courses. High School and College level. Great for homeschooling and classrooms. No time to go away to BIble College or can't afford the costs. This program is for you. Click link above for more information.


Step Pyramid
Step Pyramid, Egypt

A look at the archaeological evidence for the Exodus from Egypt.

Mt St Helens
Mt. St. Helens

A look at the scientific evidence for the age of the earth!

Field Museum, Chicago

What are the Behemoth and Leviathan mentioned in the Bible?


A look at the different theories for the Star of Bethlehem.



Blue Mosque
Blue Mosque, Istanbul

Get an overview of the different world religions and cults!

Dome of Rock

Learn the key differences between Islam & Christianity!


Learn how the Cults differ with Christianity!

Buddhist Temple, Philadelphia

Learn the differences and similarities between Buddhism & Christianity!


Our Mission

The Institute for Biblical and Scientific Studies is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization interested in the areas of theBible and science. The goals of the Institute are to educate people about the Bible, to educate people about science, and to continually research the Bible and science. The president of our Institute is Dr. Stephen C. Meyers. Former president Dr. Arlton C. Murray went to be with the Lord December 2006. More information is available about our Board Members, the Doctrine of the Institute, and our financial reports.

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