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Creation Museum

A new Creation Museum by Answers In Genesis opened up in Petersburg, Kentucky on Memorial Day (2007). I was able to visit in on June 29, 2007. It is an amazing creation museum with all the latest in technology. There is a planetarium and several theaters. In one theater the seats will rumble and water will spray on you when they tell about Noah's flood.

There is a large rotunda with dinosaurs and man playing together.

The begining of the tour starts with a room with a paleontologist digging up a dinosaur. Around the room are signs that question what really happened in the past.

The next room displays the differences in view points becasue of the difference in starting point. Science starts with reason, and Christians start with Scripture. God's Word is the key to the past, present and the future. A large chart is displayed of history.

I was amazed to find out that creation took place 4004 BC.

I was shocked to find out that the flood was in 2348 BC. about 200 years after the pyramids were built.

Next room goes quickly through the Old and New Testament with empty tomb the highlight.

The next room shows how the Bible has triumphed and judgment on those who dare question it.

The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it. The next room has a copy of the oldest complete Bible, the Greek Codex Vatacinus.

The next large chart shows people who questioned God's Word which led to abandonment of the Bible. Galileo and Bacon questioned God's Word. Some Christians on the other hand see them as great heros of the faith.

B.B. Warfield is criticized. Scofield Reference Bible is wrong, but the greatest villian is Charles Templeton who abandon the faith.

The idea that the earth is millions of years old is destroying the church. You walk through an alley of graffiti and emerge into a room where a huge wrecking ball is crashing into a church. On the wreacking ball it says, "Millions of Years."

You then enter a theater with a presentation on the six days of creation. On the other side is a room with the wonders of creation.

Next you enter a large room depicting the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, animals, and especially dinosaurs. The Tree of Life was made with 62,000 magnola leaves.

Then the serpent, that old devil came and made them question God's Word.

The result of the fall into sin effected the whole world. Animals who just ate plants now start to eat other animals. Dinosaurs start to kill other dinosaurs.

Sin multiplies. Cain kills Abel. Because the whole world comes filled with violence, God decides to send a flood to destroy the whole world. God commands Noah to build an ark. In this room you can see Noah and his sons building the ark. You can go around to the other side, and actually walk into the ark.

The Flood comes and destroys the whole world, but Noah, his family, and the animals are safe in the ark.

New we go into several rooms that explain what happened during the flood, how the earth changed geologically. God's Word is key to understanding God's World.

Before the flood there is just one large continent called Rodinia.

During the flood Pangaea forms underneath the water and then Pangaea splits apart underwater.

One major clue in understanding the past is Mount St. Helens, the rapid formation of layers and canyons.

The Grand Canyon is another Key to the past.

This chart shows how the fossils were buried in a certain order.

Floating log mats form the coal we see today.

Tidal waves tore the beaches away and formed the sandstone we see today.

After the flood the receding waters carve large canyons. The crust of the earth settles.

The earth cools down after the flood. There is an ice age lasting 300 years.

After the flood animals and plants rapidly evolve into the many speices we see today. "Present changes are too small and too slow to explain these differences. Suggesting God provided animals with special tools to change rapidly."

Sounds like evolution to me!

But how did animals get over to Australia, and North and South American. The answer is Rafting! Animals floated on huge log mates around the world.

After the flood was the Tower of Babel where mankind was split apart into different language. Religion was born.

After this you enter a theater where you are told that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and that if you repent and believe in him you will be saved from hell. You then exit into a hall with fossil displays.

You then exit up the stairs through the bookstore back into the rotunda.

I was amazed to find out that there were so many DVD's about creation.

We went into Noah's Cafe and I had a BTL to eat.

There is a beautiful pond and park next to the museum. But watch out for sea serpents and dinosaurs.

It was a very interesting experience.


More to come!