
Ahiel Ostracon Recreation

Ahiel Ostracon Recreation
Ahiel Ostracon Recreation (clay pottery piece about 2 1/2 inches by 1 1/2 inches). The city of Jerusalem was originally built around the Gihon Spring yet at the time of Solomon it expanded along a spur to the southeast, an area now titled "the City of David". Archaeologists found a series of structures here, one belonging to a person named "Ahiel" identified by a piece of pottery, the remains of a storage jar on which his name was written. The house was a typical 4 room Israelite house in which were found cosmetics and other housewares the result of the devastation of 586BC. This small piece of pottery testifies to one who witnessed the sacking of Jerusalem and subsequent exile of its captives. The person who wrote this text witnessed this event.

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