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The Bible:

Pseudepigrapha is the transliteration of the Greek plural noun that means "with false superscription" (Charlesworth 1983, xxv). This refers to a collection of  some 65 writings that are falsely attributed to an important Bible (OT) character. Most of the Pseudepigrapha writings were written between 200 BC and 200 AD by Jews or Christians. 

The best reference for the Pseudepigrapha with notes and translations is The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha edited by James H. Charlesworth, published by Doubleday, Volume 1, 1983, and Volume 2, 1985.

The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha can be divided into five genres: Apocalyptic literature, Testaments, Expansions of OT, Wisdom literature, and Psalms, prayers, or odes.

Apocalyptic Literature (19)

Expansions of the Old Testament


Wisdom Literature

Psalms, Prayers, and Odes