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Legends and Mysteries:
Crystal Skulls

skull Are the Crystal Skulls Real or Fake?

With the big movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull coming out, there has been much talk about these crystal skulls. The Scifi channel even had a special program called the Mystery of the Crystal Skulls. According to Mayan legends there are 13 skulls which must be united together to prevent the end of the world on December 21, 2012.

A close study of these skulls will show that most are fake. There is an excellent detailed article about this at The article states,"The most famous crystal skull is the Mitchell-Hedges "skull of doom," allegedly discovered by a 17-year old Anna Mitchell-Hedges in 1924 or 1927 while accompanying her adoptive father on an excavation of the ancient Mayan city of Lubaantun in Belize, where the elder Mitchell-Hedges believed he would find the ruins of Atlantis. The evidence collected by Joe Nickell proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Mitchell-Hedges bought the skull at a Sotheby's sale in 1943 for £400."

Key Links

Riddle of the Crystal Skulls By JOE NICKELL

Joe Nickell, PhD, is the author of numerous books, including Pen, Ink, & Evidence and Unsolved History. His Web site is at

How Crystal Skulls Work by Shanna Freeman

Smith, Donald. "With a high-tech microscope, scientist exposes hoax of 'ancient' crystal skulls." Inside Smithsonian Research, Summer 2005.

“We discovered that all of the crystal skulls had been carved with modern coated lapidary wheels using industrial diamonds and polished with modern machinery,” Walsh says.

Skeptics Dictionary: Crystal Skulls See